Join us for a workshop, hosted by the City of Novato, to explore new zoning possibilities for the Northwest Quadrant neighborhood.
WORKSHOP 2: Presentation of Proposed Zoning Changes for the NW Quad Neighborhood
Date & Time: Thursday, March 9, 7-9pm
Location: Novato City Hall, 901 Sherman Avenue
Workshop Flyer in English
Workshop Flyer in Spanish
Taking the community feedback received from the previous workshop and neighborhood meetings, this workshop will walk you through the proposed zoning changes for the Northwest Quad neighborhood, describe how it compares with the current zoning and what that means, in detail, for the neighborhood.
As part of the City's General Plan Update, we have been reaching out to you and your neighbors to assist us in updating your neighborhood plan, which will guide future land use decisions for the "Northwest Quad".
Together, we have been exploring new zoning possibilities with you intended to stimulate new investment in, while protecting the character of, your neighborhood.
For more info, please visit
Unable to Attend? Weigh-in at Topic will be posted after the workshop.
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please contact or 415.899.8938